The Center of the Republic of Slovenia for Mobility and European Educational and Training Programmes (CMEPIUS), in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, awarded the "Golden Cable" prize for the best eTwinning project on December 11, 2024. eTwinning projects are an initiative of the European Union that enables schools from different countries to collaborate online on various educational projects.
The winner of the "Golden Cable 2024" in the 12-15 years category is the project "Math with Gamification," mentored by Katja Glazer Leskovšek.
The Golden Cable prize is awarded annually to completed or nearly completed projects that achieve significant results in the field of pedagogical innovation, collaboration between schools involved in the project, and creative use of ICT tools. Schools must also recognize the importance of the project's impact on the school as a whole. This year's awards were presented by the director of CMEPIUS, Dr. Alenka Flander, and the Minister of Education of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr. Vinko Logaj.
Through eTwinning projects, students collaborate, communicate, create, and achieve project goals using various digital tools. You can read more about the award-winning project here: https://knjosrad.splet.arnes.si/inspired-by-geometry.
The award is a recognition of our school and teachers for their quality coordination of students in the field of international cooperation, and to the eTwinners - students participating in eTwinning project for excellently carried out activities in the project and exemplary collaboration among students across Europe.
Od 26. do 31. avgusta 2024 sva se učitelja Denis Ilješ in Simon Belec iz OŠ Kajetana Koviča Radenci udeležila Erasmus+ tečaja v Pragi. Tečaj je organizirala Vice Versa Academy in je bil osredotočen na uporabo umetne inteligence (UI) v izobraževanju. Prvi dan smo se spoznali z osnovami UI in etiko njene uporabe, kar nam je omogočilo razumevanje širšega konteksta in pomembnosti odgovorne uporabe tehnologije.
Naslednji dnevi so bili posvečeni praktični uporabi UI za ustvarjanje učnih gradiv in vključevanje UI v interdisciplinarne pristope. Spoznali smo različne vrste UI in kako jih lahko uporabimo v vsakdanjem življenju, še posebej v učilnici. Posebno pozornost smo namenili uporabi UI za izboljšanje sodelovanja in komunikacije med učenci, kar je ključno za njihovo uspešno učenje in razvoj.
Tretji dan smo se osredotočili na generativna orodja UI, kot je ChatGPT, in kako jih lahko učinkovito uporabimo za pripravo učnih materialov in nalog za različne predmete. Naučili smo se tudi, kako z UI spodbujati ustvarjalnost, sodelovanje in komunikacijo med učenci, kar je pomembno za njihovo celostno izobraževanje.
Četrti dan smo raziskovali, kako lahko UI pomaga pri diferenciaciji pouka in prilagajanju učnih vsebin različnim potrebam učencev. Delili smo ideje in izkušnje ter se učili drug od drugega, kar je obogatilo naše znanje in veščine.
Peti dan smo se posvetili ocenjevanju in povratnim informacijam z uporabo UI. Spoznali smo različne vrste ocenjevanja in kako lahko UI pomaga pri oblikovanju konstruktivnih povratnih informacij ter ustvarjanju e-zbirke učnih gradiv.
Zadnji dan smo zaključili s predstavitvijo pridobljenih znanj in podelitvijo certifikatov. Tečaj je bil izjemno koristen, saj smo pridobili nova znanja in veščine, ki jih bomo lahko uporabili pri poučevanju. Poleg strokovnega dela smo imeli tudi priložnost spoznati kulturne znamenitosti Prage, kar je dodatno obogatilo naše izkušnje.
Veselimo se, da bomo nova znanja delili s sodelavci in jih vključili v naše učne procese, s čimer bomo izboljšali kakovost izobraževanja na naši šoli.
V okviru programa Erasmus +, ki spodbuja mednarodno sodelovanje na področju izobraževanja, so nas v tednu od 7. – 11. 10. 2024 obiskali učenci in tri učiteljice s hrvaškega otoka Korčula. Ena učiteljica pa je v tem tednu na naši šoli opravila sledenje na delovnem mestu (job shadowing).
Učencem iz Hrvaške smo predstavili naš kraj in našo šolo. Učenci so z nami sodelovali pri pouku, družili smo se v odmorih in popoldne v prostem času. Učenci iz Hrvaške so tudi obiskali vsak dan drugo znamenitost v okolici našega kraja (Hotel Radin, Sikalu ZOO, Vulkanija, Maribor…).
Tako njim kot nam je bilo všeč to tridnevno druženje, saj smo se hitro povezali in razumeli drug drugega. Tudi naši Hrvaški sovrstniki so bili navdušeni nad našo šolo, kulturo in nad tem kako podobni in različni smo si. Z njimi smo se tudi zelo povezali, ker so naši sosedje in razumemo tudi materni jezik eden drugega.
From September 30th to October 5th, four teachers from Kajetan Kovič Primary School in Radenci participated in a job shadowing program in the city of Cologne. We visited the Städt. Gemeinschaftsgrundschule Halfengasse, a primary school attended by students grades 1 to 4 where we had the opportunity to observe various aspects of their educational system.
During our time at the school, we witnessed the use of traditional teaching methods, including frontal teaching, group work, and individual approach. Teachers focused on fundamental skills such as reading, writing, and arithmetic, while encouraging active student participation in the lessons.
We paid particular attention to the integration of foreign students in the classroom. The school in Cologne has well-developed programs to support students from diverse cultural backgrounds. Teachers use tailored teaching methods and provide additional support to ensure that all students feel included and equal.
We also observed the work with students with special needs. The school has individualized educational programs tailored to the needs of each student. Teachers and specialists collaborate to create a supportive environment that fosters the best possible development of all students.
One of the key highlights of our visit was the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in the teaching process. Teachers in Cologne use interactive whiteboards, tablets, and other digital tools that enable students to engage in a more dynamic and interactive learning. The use of ICT has contributed to greater student engagement and improved learning outcomes.
Our job shadowing experience in Cologne was extremely educational and inspiring. We look forward to bringing the knowledge and experiences gained into our own classrooms thus enriching the educational process at our school.
In June, two teachers from OS Kajetana Koviča Radenci attended a structured course organized by Europass Teacher Academy with the title AI in Education: Exploring the frontiers of ICT. The course took place from 3 June - 8 June 2024 in Malta.
At the course, we familiarized ourselves with the three main language models in detail, acquired the skills to use chats and learned to critically evaluate their use. In addition to chat tools, we also learned about other tools and applications that include artificial intelligence. We learned to use the tools we found useful for class work and we will incorporate them into our work in the future. By familiarizing ourselves with the tools in a practical way and testing them ourselves, we increased the confidence to use AI in work planning and classroom work. By discussing and presenting the upcoming innovations in the field of artificial intelligence, we now better understand the benefits and ethical aspects of its use.
The mobility itself was a positive experience for us, we made new acquaintances, exchanged experiences about working with students in other countries, increased confidence in communicating in English and, above all, enriched our knowledge of the use of ICT.
The first job shadowing in the Erasmus + Project with the title: ”My, our and European Heartbeat“ took place in Istanbul from 18th to the 24th February 2024. The headmistress and three of our teachers were included in the schoolwork in Yenibosna Doğu Sanayi İlkokulu in the heart of Istanbul.
The primary focus of the job shadowing was to observe various educational practices of the use of ICT in the classrooms with pupils in the range between 8 and 12 Years. In one week, the teachers used and present different tools in the classrooms, from online classrooms and presentational tools to fun gaming tools.
The experience of the job shadowing in Istanbul provided valuable knowledge in combining the digitalization and the traditional methods in the classrooms, as well as problem-solving situations that come with the use of the ICT in the school.
Four of our teaching stuff visited Liceo Eugenio Montale School in Rome from 27th to 31st of May 2024. The primary focus of this Jobshadowing was to observe various educational practices, including regular classroom activities, outdoor activities, and classes that includes students with special needs. The school that we visited caters to a diverse student population (arround 1700), including a significant number of students with special educational needs. The general education classes demonstrated us a blend of traditional and modern teaching methodologies. Students appeared highly engaged and motivated. The school demonstrated a strong commitment to inclusivity, with special needs students integrated into mainstream classrooms whenever possible.
The job shadowing experience at this Italian school provided valuable insights into effective educational practices, particularly in the areas of inclusive education and innovative teaching methods.
V tednu med 27.5 in 31.5.2024 smo štiri učiteljice naše šole obiskale Liceo Eugenio Montale v Rimu. Glavni poudarek sledenja na delovnem mestu je bil opazovanje različnih izobraževalnih praks, vključno z rednimi dejavnostmi v učilnici, dejavnostmi na prostem in razredi, ki vključujejo učence s posebnimi potrebami. Šola, ki smo jo obiskale, ima raznoliko populacijo učencev (okrog 1700), vključno s precejšnjim številom učencev s posebnimi izobraževalnimi potrebami. Med obiskom so nam pokazali mešanico tradicionalnih in sodobnih metodologij poučevanja. Učenci so delovali zelo angažirani in motivirani. Šola je pokazala močno zavezanost k vključevanju, saj so učenci s posebnimi potrebami po svojih zmožnostih vključeni v redne razrede.
Sledenje na delovnem mestu na tej italijanski šoli nam je zagotovil dragocen vpogled v učinkovite izobraževalne prakse, zlasti na področju inkluzivnega izobraževanja in inovativnih metod poučevanja.
The mobility of teachers Primary school Kajetana Koviča Radenci was successfully completed from 11 to 16 March 2024. The course »We are all special« took place in Barcelona and it was organized by the Europass Teacher Academy Barcelona. The group consisted of participant from six European countries. We learned about the characteristics of children with special needs. Through verbal and non-verbal communication, we participated in various interesting workshops, practical approaches and methods. At the same time, we revised and improved our English language skills and broke the ice through various social skills. We also got to know the work, schools and school systems of other participating countries and exchanged many good ideas, practices and experiences. We learned about the culture of the host country, too.
The third mobility within the Erasmus+ project entitled "The Social, the Emotional and Digital Approach", which took place at Kajetan Kovič Radenci Primary School, was also successfully completed.
The course took place from 27 November to 2 December 2023 in Berlin, Germany. It was attended by a Slovenian teacher and a German teacher. It was funded by Erasmus + and organized by the Europass Teacher Academy in Berlin, Germany (www.europassberlin.com).
We learned a lot about social and digital skills in this course.
Together with primary school teachers and principals from other European countries, we held quite a few practical workshops in which we discussed a positive learning environment, positive and non-violent communication, and emotional and social skills, while also using various digital tools and collaborative learning.
In groups, we discussed what contributes to a positive learning environment in the classroom and created practical teaching examples based on modern methods and approaches. Together we created an e-word cloud, and then chose the three most common words, such as motivation, kindness and respect, and discussed them in groups. We talked about emotional intelligence and drew how we imagine it and what it means to us. We also discussed the importance of active listening and learning and learning through role-play. We also created a booklet in groups on the steps to solve violence between students and prepared plans for preventing violence at school and in the classroom. At the same time, we learned about new digital tools in pairs, created fake news and memes, with the help of which we learned how to introduce students to the pitfalls of the Internet in a fun way.
During all the activities of the course, we had many opportunities to talk and network with different teachers and the principal, compare different nations and cultures, learn about different elementary schools, different curricula and various activities at schools. The course certainly contributed to our professional and personal growth and we warmly recommend it to other teaching staff.
Tudi tretja mobilnost v okviru projekta Erasmus+ z naslovom »The Social, the Emotional and Digital Approach«, ki je potekala na OŠ Kajetana Koviča Radenci, je bila uspešno zaključena.
Tečaj je potekal od 27. 11. do 2. 12. 2023 v Berlinu v Nemčiji. Udeležili sva se ga učiteljica slovenščine in učiteljica nemščine. Financiral ga je Erasmus +, organiziral pa Europass Teacher Academy v Berlinu v Nemčiji (www.europassberlin.com).
Na tem tečaju sva se veliko naučili o socialnih in digitalnih veščinah.
Skupaj z osnovnošolskimi učitelji in ravnateljico iz drugih evropskih držav smo izvedli kar nekaj praktičnih delavnic, v okviru katerih smo diskutirali o pozitivnem učnem okolju, o pozitivni in nenasilni komunikaciji ter emocionalnih in socialnih veščinah, pri čemer smo uporabljali tudi različna digitalna orodja in sodelovalno učenje.
V skupinah smo se pogovarjali o tem, kaj pripomore k pozitivnemu učnemu okolju v razredu ter ustvarili praktične primere poučevanja, ki temeljijo na sodobnih metodah in pristopih. Skupaj smo namreč ustvarili e-oblak besed, nato pa izbrali tri najbolj pogoste besede, kot so motivacija, prijaznost in spoštovanje ter o njih diskutirali v skupinah. Pogovarjali smo se o čustveni inteligenci in narisali, kako si jo predstavljamo in kaj nam pomeni. Razpravljali smo tudi o pomenu aktivnega poslušanja in učenja ter učenja s pomočjo iger vlog. Prav tako smo v skupinah ustvarili knjižico o korakih reševanja nasilja med učenci ter pripravili načrte za preprečevanja nasilja na šoli in v razredu. Obenem smo v dvojicah spoznavali nova digitalna orodja, izdelali lažne novice in meme, s pomočjo katerih smo se učili, kako učence na zabaven način seznaniti s pastmi interneta.
Ob vseh aktivnostih tečaja sva imeli veliko priložnosti za pogovor in mreženje z različnimi učitelji in ravnateljico, primerjave različnih narodov in kultur, spoznavanje različnih osnovnih šol, drugačnih učnih načrtov in raznovrstnih dejavnosti na šolah. Tečaj je vsekakor pripomogel k najini poklicni in osebni rasti in ga toplo priporočava tudi drugim pedagoškim delavcem.
Through Erasmus + Project My, Our and European Heartbeat we successfully organised two more learning mobility activities in Spain.
The professional development course with the title Creative teaching tehniques to promote social inclusion took place from 27th November to 1th December 2023. Through this course we learned new learning-by-doing tehniques, we improved personal and social skills in
order to understand and adapt to the realities of our disadvantagedlearners.
As teachers and school leadership we have the need to develop our personal and social skills in order to understand the very different realities of learners that come from vulnerable backgrounds or are in risk of exclusion.
During this Erasmus + course we also visited the SOS Children's Village which is the organisation that ensures that children grow up with the care, protection and relationships they need to become their strongest selves.
The first mobility in the Erasmus + Project with the title My, Our and European Heartbeat being carried out at Primary School Kajetana Koviča Radenci was successfully completed.
As the English teacher, I took part in the Erasmus + funded course provided by Euromentor in Barcelona http://euromentor.es/, Spain. The course took place from 6th November to 10th November 2023.
One of the aims in the school project is enhancing teachers’ knowledge, capability of using ICT successfully in the classroom and recognizing the importance of using ICT in the classroom. The main topics covered introduction to ICT tools, creating content and the searching for possibilities of use in the lessons. The tools were introduced, discussed within the group of participants and later new content was created and presented.
The extra added value of the course for sure was the practical part of the course where the participants first took part in the lesson from the learners’ point of view, then learnt how to create a lesson and lastly presented the lesson to other participants. The highlight of the course was the visit to one of the schools in the neighbourhoods of Barcelona. More about the school at https://agora.xtec.cat/ceip-jruyra-l-h/
The teachers – visitors were invited to actively participate in the class teaching the content that the teachers of the school have prepared. We also had the opportunity for networking, to talk to various teachers and the headmaster, compare schools, curriculums, schools’ activities, …
I highly recommend taking part in the Erasmus + Projects because this is the unique opportunity to learn new content, revise the content you already know, get to know teachers from all over Europe, share ideas and grow, not just professionally but personally as well.